24 October 2017
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24 October 2017, Comments Comments Off on Enhance Security with Bullet-Resistant Ticket Windows

It’s not just specialized industries that need to take care–many are vulnerable to violent crimes. This is especially true of face-to-face customer service. For many businesses, the balance of providing great customer service and employee security comes in the form of bulletproof ticket windows.

The investment not only reassures employees, it can protect employers from liability. Bulletproof ticket windows are ideal for concert venues, sports arenas, train stations, bus depots and other similar customer service outlets. Here’s what you need to know about bulletproof ticket windows:

Understand “bulletproof” construction

You’re technically shopping for bullet-resistant windows. No ticket window can be completely impenetrable; that’s why it’s important to take into consideration other factors that form a protective barrier.

There are eight recognized levels of bullet-resistant glass, with:

  • Level 1 most commonly used for ticket windows at places like gas stations, retail stores and concert venues and sports venues.
  • Level 2 windows are typically used at places that face higher risk, including banks and credit unions.
  • Level 3 windows are most commonly used for government buildings and police stations, while Level 4-8 are considered military grade.

Glass weight and thickness account for the varying degrees of resistance. Resistance grades provide protection from a range of weapons, from small and large caliber handguns to more powerful semi-automatic assault weapons.

Find a trusted partner

Making decisions about bullet resistant products is tough without an experienced guide. We’ve been working with such material for more than 30 years and can define your needs and the features that best accommodate them, including:

  • Options like sliding glass doors, voice transmission boxes and exchange windows.
  • Overall construction, including bullet/tamper resistant frames and walls.

Find out how we can help you! Contact Creative Industries for a consult today!