7 April 2019
7 April 2019, Comments Comments Off on Adding Bulletproof Security in Government Facilities

Using Bulletproof Glass for Government Facility Buildings

Government facilities are some of the most important institutions and buildings we have as members of society. They handle vital business, hold criminals and dispense justice and services to the people who need it most. These buildings take multiple forms, from government and municipal buildings to utility buildings, to police stations. Across all of these, however, it’s important to keep in mind the importance of providing the right levels of security to stop any potential threat or attack before it can go too far and harm someone.

Many of these buildings already have multiple layers of security, from metal detectors and security cameras to guards or police officers on duty. Across all types of government buildings, however, adding in additional security with bullet-resistant windows can bring an extra layer of protection to civil servants and let everyone feel more at ease and confident while in a government building. So, what are some of the common buildings that bullet resistant windows can help secure?

Federal Government Buildings

Federal government buildings handle extremely sensitive personnel, materials, and operations inside, and can face the highest levels of risk from determined attackers. As a result, they need extremely high-level bullet resistant technologies, capable of standing up to a determined attacker with a high-caliber weapon. The most secure materials are used in the construction of these buildings, as it’s important for people to have faith that their buildings won’t be harmed. It can be difficult to manufacture bullet resistant windows to the levels they require, but Creative Industries has decades of experience and the capabilities to produce the toughest materials possible.

Municipal Buildings

Municipal buildings range from courthouses to township offices and operate on the local level in areas throughout the country. These institutions are vital to keeping every city, town, and state moving with the right level of oversight, so it’s important to make sure that they can stay safe and continue to operate if there might be a malicious person wanting to attack. Bullet resistant windows can protect employees, as well as fend off attackers who might see the security measures and think better of their actions.

Utility Offices

Utility offices exist all over the country, deal with high volumes of customers, and are critical to keeping everyone’s services up to date without interruptions. These facilities handle high amounts of customer volume, and with so many consumer interactions as well as high amounts of money changing hands, the risk of robbery can put employees and fellow visitors lives in danger. The right bullet resistant security options such as deal trays and microphones to allow easier communication through windows can lead to employees who feel safer, deals that can be done with more confidence, and would-be dangerous individuals much less likely to attempt to rob these offices.

Police Stations and Substations

Police stations and substations are natural targets for conflict and violence, and require the right amount of protection to keep operating safely and efficiently. Most of the personnel who work in police stations are unarmed staff who don’t have protection against the regular comings and goings of criminals in the building. Keeping these workers secured can lead to a greater atmosphere of calm and security while allowing the police to continue doing the work they need to do.

With so many different types of government buildings in need of assistance in bullet resistant security, Creative Industries is the leading answer with decades of experience. Contact us today and let our installation experts assist you in selecting the right option.