Architectural Design for Safety with Bullet Proof Planning

22 December 2015
22 December 2015, Comments Comments Off on Architectural Design for Safety with Bullet Proof Planning

Updated 6/9/2022

It has become a tragic pattern everyone is weary of hearing about—another mass shooting with the senseless loss of life from gun violence. This is to say nothing of all the robberies and other criminal activities involving the threat or use of guns, whether in businesses, sports and entertainment venues (arenas and stadiums), government facilities, hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, and goes the list. The unfortunate reality of the situation means architects must pay more attention when designing buildings to incorporate enhanced safety and security features to protect people from a variety of threats, including guns. One way they do this is by incorporating bulletproof products into an architectural design from the beginning. 

Bullet Proof Architectural Design for More Buildings

It’s a no-brainer that architects designing banks are going to include bulletproof products such as windows, deal trays, drawers, and pass-thrus. But it’s becoming increasingly common for clients to request architects incorporate these additional safety features into a much wider range of buildings, including convenience stores, government buildings and facilities, schools and colleges, hospitals, hotels and motels, police stations, and stadiums, and many more. This is important since public policy solutions to the American epidemic of gun violence remain elusive. 

The Architectural Design Process with Security in Mind

For architects in the beginning stages of planning a building, the modern emphasis on the importance of safety features presents a new opportunity for safer design. Many existing buildings have had to be retrofitted with security measures and technologies not accounted for in their original design, which can be not only challenging but can also lead to increased cost and tension between project designers and clients. By keeping security features in mind from the beginning of the process through to completion, architects are now able to design safety-oriented buildings that look and feel right while having a more integrated series of security measures.

Planning for Better Security

For buildings and structures that require bulletproof windows, as well as other active and passive security measures, including the details that best facilitate these measures is something that needs to be planned for at every level. In many cases, bullet-resistant technologies will dictate wall thickness. Other measures like mounting systems need to be planned with specific measurements in mind. These can allow architects and planning teams to shop for the best deal on bullet-resistant measures and create their plans with a specific system in mind, carrying the best features and price. Other details that might not be as obvious also need to be considered. For example, in rooms separated by a bulletproof glass window, the HVAC system needs to be modified to ensure fresh air reaches all areas and creates a comfortable environment for workers.

Planning for Aesthetics

As mentioned previously, older buildings weren’t designed with the kinds of active safety measures needed in the world of today. This led to owners having to retrofit these structures as the need arose. Placing security measures without properly integrating them into the design took the issue of aesthetics out of the equation, and this has had a negative effect on the perception of these areas. For example, while grade schools with open metal detectors, bars on windows, and so on do enhance safety, they also lead to greater anxiety among building occupants because it highlights the need for such measures when they’re so visible. It reminds people in the building of the possibility of a threat. 

If, however, architects can properly consider the aesthetics of these integrated features, a lot can be done to make them far less noticeable if not essentially invisible. From metal detector technology integrated into the design of an entrance structure, to surrounding bulletproof glass with more elegant casings, it’s possible to make a new building as beautiful as it is safe. In other words, with proper design considerations, there is never a need to sacrifice aesthetics while achieving greater safety and security.

Planning for Costs

It’s no secret that designing a safety-conscious building will take up more budget for materials and design than an ordinary structure lacking such features. However, new clients in any number of industries will need to consider adding safety measures like bulletproof glass during their building’s lifespan. Retrofitting a structure is costly and inefficient, and the options for security are limited by the pre-existing physical structure in the space. Architects can work with clients from day one to select the most cost-effective measures to meet their needs and end up with lower overall costs down the line despite a higher initial budget.

Your Trusted Partner for Bulletproof Products: Creative Industries

When it comes to bulletproof products that make buildings safer for everyone, Creative Industries has been helping client customers meet their needs since 1970. We’ve also worked directly with architects and clients across nearly every industry. The key to our approach is bringing our deep expertise to the table in a collaborative framework to keep everyone on the same page from start to finish. Our goal with every project is straightforward: Help client customers meet their safety and security needs with bulletproof products as affordably as possible. We offer a wide range of standard products but can also custom-build any bullet-resistant product needed, as well as provide installation services or guidance. Start the conversation now about your needs by getting in touch through the Contact Us page of our website or call us directly at 800-776-2068. We look forward to assisting you!