Using Bulletproof Glass to Protect Your Employees

1 April 2019
1 April 2019, Comments Comments Off on Using Bulletproof Glass to Protect Your Employees

If your concept of bulletproof glass comes mostly from pop culture sources such as the latest James Bond movie, you might have a skewed perspective of who uses bulletproof glass. While there certainly are both government and military applications for bulletproof glass, it is also used by businesses across a wide range of industries. No matter where it’s used, bulletproof glass and related products are meant to provide greater safety and security to those who are at greater risk due to the threat of potential gun violence. Learn more on this page about who uses the standard and custom bulletproof glass products Creative Industries has been making for clients since the 1970s.

Terminology: Bulletproof Glass vs Bullet-Resistant Glass

Although we use the term “bulletproof” because of its wide usage, it is more technically accurate to speak of “bullet-resistant glass.” Nothing is truly bulletproof because there’s always a bigger bullet fired from a bigger gun that could get through. What you’re protecting against with bullet-resistant glass products is the kind of gunfire a given location or building is most likely to experience in a shooting incident. The materials used in the fabrication a transparent bullet-resistant protective barrier extend beyond glass. Base material options include acrylic, polycarbonate, and fiberglass to achieve the desired resistance properties. 

Glass is a part of many bullet-resistant systems today, but it’s typically reserved for protection on the higher end of the scale. Most of the basic protection that the average person will come across is made from resins like acrylic or polycarbonate, as well as fiberglass. For example, if you’ve ever been in an inner-city convenience store where the cashier is walled off by a transparent protective barrier, you can tell it’s probably not glass but instead is a plastic material such as acrylic or a kind of polycarbonate. Learn more about the manufacturing process in our article How is Bullet Resistant Glass Made?

Bullet-resistant windows are rated on a scale from one to eight (see more here) based on testing conducted by Underwriters Laboratory (UL) according to their capacity to resist different calibers of weapons. For most organizations, though, the biggest role of bullet-resistant security measures is to deter attacks before they happen and ensure a level of safety for all involved. The benefit to businesses of using bullet-resistant barriers if the threat of a gun attack becomes reality is protecting employees from being hurt or killed. Now let’s dive into the specifics of who uses bulletproof glass.

The Convenience Store Industry

One of the most common industries where you’ll see transparent bullet-resistant barriers in use are convenience stores, especially those located in dense urban areas. A convenience store is often open 24/7, has cash on hand, and operates in all types of areas, some of which are naturally more likely to be affected by crime, including armed robbery. In that type of environment, it makes good business sense to add a layer of security between workers and the people who come into the store. 

The trick, of course, is having the right mix of bulletproof products in use to ensure employees can easily conduct transactions and interact with customers to keep the flow of business as smooth as possible. Products such as deal trays combined with bullet-resistant windows provide protection and even deter would-be criminals while facilitating transactions with customers.

The Bank and Financial Institution Industry

While many bank robberies aren’t successful these days, they still happen. Financial institutions and banks are obvious targets for robbery due to the large amounts of money and valuables they hold. With modern security measures such as video camera surveillance, security guards, and even metal detectors, it’s far more difficult to get away with robbing any kind of bank or financial institution than it used to be. Even so, taking extra precautions can add an extra layer of security for assets as well as greater safety of employees who work there and would be at risk if an armed robbery were attempted. This is why you may see products similar to the Creative Industries Bullet Resistant Teller Counter Model in use at banks and other financial institutions. 

The Education Industry: Schools

It’s a sad but true reality: Schools should safe places for every student and teacher, but the numerous tragedies over the years have proven otherwise. Administrators are seeking to protect their schools with bullet-resistant security, adding additional steps that will detect and stop a potential tragedy before it occurs. Creative industries has been active in this area, which you can read about in the following articles:

Creative Industries is committed to achieving greater security and protection from the threat gun violence in schools poses to students, teachers, and administrators.

The Entertainment and Sports Industries: Stadiums and Arenas

The ticket offices at stadiums and arenas deal with thousands upon thousands of customer interactions, with a high volume of traffic coinciding with large amounts of money held within. This makes them a natural attraction for criminals, both during and after hours. These venues have relied upon bullet resistant security to keep personnel and profits alike safe. Creative Industries has worked with numerous arenas and stadiums, which you can learn more about on our architect’s corner page for Stadium Windows as well as Bulletproof Windows for Arenas and Stadiums by Creative Industries.

The Lodging Industry

Hotels and motels often have staff handling customers on-call at all hours of the day and night. With unsecured lobbies, it’s easy for anyone to walk in and present a potential threat to employees. Because of this, many hotels and motels have started relying on bullet-resistant glass barriers to ensure that everyone stays safe and secure even when on call. 

Police Stations and Government Buildings

As the buildings and institutions that handle vital business for the well-being of society and often deal with potentially violent criminals on a daily basis, police stations and other government buildings are important to secure and keep safe. With more heavy-duty protection for these buildings, they can handle whatever threats they may face with the greatest amount of safety possible. 

Creative Industries: Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets

Most businesses will realize the most valuable asset is the one needing the most protection, including the people who work each and every day to make the company a success. By installing the right types of bullet-resistant windows and related products, employers can protect their employees and profits from those with nefarious intentions. To get the protection, security, and peace of mind you want for your business, get in touch with Creative Industries through the contact page of our website or give us a call directly at 800-776-2068. Our team of experts will guide you through the process of determining which products will best meet your needs.