Project Description

 Kokomo Municipal Stadium
Ticket Windows

Stadium in Kokomo, IN Built Missing Ticket Windows

There’s no doubt about it. Sports stadiums have the power to unify and excite a city. In fact, the prospect of a new stadium is often so exciting that there is usually a rush to design and complete the project in time for the fast-approaching sports season.

However, this excited haste can lead to details getting lost in the shuffle. Such was the case in Kokomo, IN, a mid-sized community an hour north of Indianapolis. The rush to finish the stadium in time for the summer season was so intense that the project was completed without ticket windows.

More than Bullet Proof

Stadium administrators brought in Creative Industries to provide custom glass for three new ticket portals and install them into the existing structure. Additionally, they needed the windows as quickly as possible.

Creative Industries is known for working with heavy-duty materials designed for the highest levels of security. In this particular case, though, the building specs required only ¼ “ tempered glass.

“Most of what we do involves bullet-resistant glass or other bulletproof products, but that’s not always the case,” says Mike Clark, co-owner of Creative Industries. “Each job is custom, really. Sometimes that’s because of the size, sometimes because of materials.”

Creative Industries has cultivated a reputation for consistently providing the very best work. Specifiers such as architects, engineers, and contractors have relied on Creative Industries for years to provide the very best safety & security products and, when necessary, to install them with a quick turnaround. When a building needs windows fast, they know who to call.

Contact Creative Industries today for more information or a free consultation.